15 Effective Facebook Marketing tips that actually work

April 29, 2024 ...

Advertising on Facebook is essential if you want to reach your targetted audience and expand your business. Facebook ads contribute to your digital marketing strategy by increasing brand recognition, attracting leads, and even turning unpaid users into paid customers.

What is Facebook Marketing? 

To put it simply, Facebook marketing refers to promoting and branding a business using the Facebook platform. There are over 2.9 billion active Facebook users in the world, which allows the platform to ensure maximum exposure for businesses. This is the key reason why Facebook marketing is considered to be the most popular method of social media marketing.

Facebook Marketing tips
Image Source: Five Channels

Here are some of the most effective Facebook Marketing Tips that will help you get better results instantly:

Facebook Marketing

কোর্সটি করে যা শিখবেন:

  • ফেসবুকের বিভিন্ন গুরুত্বপূর্ণ ফিচারের ব্যবহার, ফেসবুক পেজ ও ফেসবুক গ্রুপের অর্গানিক রিচ বাড়ানো।
  • ফেসবুক বুস্টিং ও ফেসবুক অ্যাড ম্যানেজারের মাধ্যমে বিজ্ঞাপন দেয়া ও শক্তিশালী ব্র্যান্ড দাঁড় করানোর উপায়।

    Facebook Marketing Tip #1: Boost your post

    Facebook boost is the simplest digital marketing tactic known to netizens. You can boost your post in just a minute by tapping the blue “Boost post” or “Promote” button. The post then directly shows up on your audience’s feed generating better engagement. It’s fast, easy, super cost-effective and works great for most businesses.

    Facebook Marketing Tip #2: Use Facebook ads manager & Business manager

    Facebook ads manager unleashes the true power of Facebook marketing. It’s an all-in-one tool for creating, running, managing & monitoring paid ads on Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, and WhatsApp. Hence, in order to be a successful digital marketeer, it is very important to master this tool.

    Facebook Marketing Tip #3: Use Facebook Pixel

    If knowledge is power, then the Facebook pixel is your ultimate source of strength. Facebook pixel is a piece of code that you place on your website. It allows you to track cross-device conversions from Facebook advertisements, optimise campaigns, create targeted audiences for future ads, and retarget visitors who have previously interacted with your site.

    Facebook Marketing Tip #4: Make instant experience ads

    Instant experience ads are a fantastic way of experimenting with your Facebook advertising techniques.

    Instant Experience ad | Facebook Marketing
    Image Source: Shuttlerock Blog

    It is basically a full-screen experience that appears when a mobile user touches your ad. It takes advertising to the next level by being more interactive and engaging than a picture or video. Instant ad experiences are quite fast, simple to create, and are proven to engage better with potential customers. However, the main drawback to it is that it is solely designed for mobile users.

    Tip #5: Make Click to Messenger Ads

    A Click-to-Messenger Ad is your typical Facebook sponsored message ad with a twist. Instead of landing pages, it sends users to the Facebook messenger bot sequence. This will help you enhance audience engagement as well as brand awareness by carefully targeting and distributing communications to people who have shown interest in your business.

    Facebook Marketing Strategy

    also read: Facebook marketing strategy: Things you should know

    Tip #6: Pull Email Address

    People find it annoying when you ask them for their credentials. With Facebook messenger marketing, that’s no longer an issue. You can make a Facebook Messenger chatbot that requests users to provide their email addresses, which they can do with just the click of a button.

    Tip #7: Call-to-Action Buttons

    You may have seen ‘buy now!’ buttons on thousands of websites. This is simply a call-to-action strategy of marketers. It will drive your target audiences to click on a PPC ad and hit a landing page.

    Tip #8: Messenger Drip Campaigns

    Drip campaigns generally reach out to the targeted audience through emails and messages at the right time.


    Facebook Ads Mastery

    কোর্সটিতে যা যা পাচ্ছেন:

  • Advanced FB Ads ম্যানেজমেন্ট স্ট্র্যাটেজির খুঁটিনাটি
  • অ্যাডের পারফর্মেন্স পরিমাপ ও ROAS বৃদ্ধির পরীক্ষিত কৌশল
  • ROI বৃদ্ধির জন্য Facebook Ads অপ্টিমাইজেশন হ্যাক্‌স
  • মেসেঞ্জার অ্যাড, অটো রেসপন্স সেট করা ও কনভার্সন ক্যাম্পেইন

    A Messenger drip campaign reaches out to the targetted audience through messages, which is almost ten folds as effective as regular drip campaigns! The chatbot builder, once again, holds the key here. While email drip campaigns take days and weeks, messenger drip campaigns get the job done in minutes.

    Tip #9: Page Competition Gauge

    They say keep your friends close and your enemies closer, and Facebook’s Algorithm allows you to do it with near perfection. Facebook generally shows you 5 potential competitors but you can view more by clicking on the “See More Suggested Pages’’ button.

    You’ll be able to keep track of a competitor’s activity, growth rates, total likes, and frequency of posts if you add them to your watched pages. This data can assist you in determining how you’re performing and what you may need to do to perform better. 

    Tip #10: Use retargeting

    Retargeting is a great technique to develop a successful campaign at a cheaper cost. Retargeting tries to contact people who have shown interest in your adverts in the past.

    You can increase your chances of conversion by targeting people who have already expressed interest in what you’re promoting. It requires only a push to persuade them to be your customer.

    Tip #11: Exclude converted Audience

    By removing users who have been previously converted, you may save money by not having to show your ads to them again.

    Follow this to exclude previously converted users from seeing your ads again and again:

    • Create a custom audience who visited the landing page before.
    • Now, go to ‘new audience’ > click  ‘exclude’ and set the audience you want to exclude, such as: Converted in the last month.
    Facebook Marketing effective tips
    Image Source: Influence & Co

    Tip #12: Plan A/B test regularly 

    Planing A/B testing is a fantastic approach to see what works and what doesn’t. This is done by contrasting campaigns with minor differences. However, A/B testing isn’t just for failing ads. It may also be used to strengthen existing efforts and perhaps take your advertising to the next level! 

    Tip #13: Rotate your ads

    If users start to see an ad too often, they will choose to ignore, hide or even report it as spam. The cost per click (CPC) increases as the click-through rate (CTR) starts to drop.

    The best way to tackle this problem is to rotate your ads. Create multiple ad variations and set ads to appear on a schedule, so that you can target different advertisements to the same audience. 

    Tip #14: Engaging topics 

    Encourage your followers to make certain predictions in the comment section of your posts. If you own a sports company, for example, you might host a ‘Guess the Player’ contest. Create engagement and make people look forward to more contests like this.

    Tip #15: Target specific fans without paying

    When it comes to Facebook advertising, it is important that you discuss your product in precise detail. Some marketers overlook the fact that you can target a group without paying extra while adding an update to your existing post or campaign. Turn on “Post Targeting and Privacy” in Page Settings to get it done. 


    Your time to roll!

    These tips will help you to take your Facebook campaigns to the next level, maximising the overall performance of your digital marketing strategies. Check out 10 Minute School’s facebook marketing course in Bangla to get a much broader overview of Facebook Marketing.

    আমাদের কোর্সগুলোতে ভর্তি হতে ক্লিক করুন: 

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