How to Get Your SSC Result With SSC Marksheet

January 28, 2024 ...

The Secondary School Certificate (SSC) examination is one of the most challenging board exams a student has to sit for in Bangladesh. The SSC marksheet is an essential document and is required in admission and other administrative processes. This blog aims to offer you a comprehensive guide to getting your SSC Marksheet. 

In SSC 2023, 80.39% of students passed, while 183,578 got a grade GPA of 5. Last year, the passing rate was 87.44%, while 2,69,602 students got a GPA 5. The results, however, varied across the boards. They are as follows:


Name of Board Percentage of Students

Who Passed 

Number of Students who

got GPA 5

Rajshahi Board 87.89% 26877
Dhaka Board 77.55% 46303
Dinajpur Board 76.87% 17410
Cumilla Board 78.42% 11623
Jashore Board 86.17% 20617
Chattogram Board 78.29% 11450
Mymensingh Board 85.49% 13177


The board undertakes the grading system in the following way:

Class Interval Letter Grade Grade Point
80-100 A+ 5
70-79 A 4
60-69 A- 3.5
50-59 B 3
40-49 C 2
33-39 D 1
0-32 F 0


College Admission Process

As you check your results and prepare for college admissions, you need to be cautious of the fact that your admission is dependent on your marks. Each college sets a threshold for admission and takes students accordingly. 


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কোর্সটি করে যা শিখবেন:

  • IELTS পরীক্ষার বিভিন্ন অংশের ফরম্যাট, প্রশ্ন ও উত্তরের ধরন, গুরুত্বপূর্ণ টিপস, ট্রিকস ও স্ট্র্যাটেজি।
  • IELTS Reading, Listening, Speaking ও Writing, প্রতিটি মডিউলের নিয়ম-কানুনসহ খুঁটিনাটি বিষয়াদি।

    Check SSC results from the website with the full SSC Marksheet

    The Secondary School Certificate (SSC), being one of the biggest examinations in Bangladesh’s curriculum, has multiple avenues to allow students to access their results. Mainly, two websites host the SSC and equivalent results. One of these websites is maintained by the Ministry of Education, and the other by the Dhaka Education Board. Moreover, the results can be viewed on the websites maintained by the educational boards. 


    Instructions to download the SSC Marksheet 2024

    1. Visit the website.
    2. Select the right options for your examination, year, and board. 
    3. Input your SSC roll and registration number.
    4. Press the Submit button to view the result.
    5. View your result and download it.

    Check results by SMS with the full SSC Marksheet

    SSC results can also be viewed through SMS, no matter which mobile operator you use. You can view your result easily by going through the following steps:

    1. Go to the message option on your mobile phone. 
    2. After that, write in a new message: SSC <space> Board Name (First 3 letters) <space> Roll Number <space> 2023 and send it to 16222.

    Example: SSC DHA 123456 2024, and send it to 16222.


    ssc marksheet download


    Short Names for Boards to Get SSC Marksheet

    The first three letters of the board’s name form its short format to be used in the SMS:


    Board Short Name
    Dhaka DHA
    Cumilla COM
    Rajshahi RAJ
    Dinajpur DIN
    Jessore JES
    Sylhet SYL
    Mymensingh MYM
    Barisal BAR
    Madrasa MAD
    Technical TEC


    What to Do If You Lose Your SSC Marksheet

    In the unfortunate event of losing your SSC marksheet, do not panic. You can re-issue your marksheet following due procedure. Diligently go through the steps mentioned below:

    1. File a General Diary (GD) at your nearest police station.
    2. Keep a copy of the GD.
    3. Give an advertisement in a daily newspaper about the lost item. It should include details like your name, examination center, roll number, year, and name of the board and mention how you lost the marksheet. 
    4. Go to the education board of your SSC examination. Take an application form from the ‘Information Collection Center’ and fill up the details.
    5. Submit the fee through the demand draft of Sonali Bank. Only after the money is deposited, the application be valid.
    6. Submit the form with the original bank draft, cutting of advertisement in the newspaper and a copy of the GD of the police station. 

    In this way, you can get your marksheet even after losing it. 


    The Importance of Keeping a Physical and Digital Copy of your SSC Marksheet

    It is very crucial to simultaneously have the physical and digital copies of your SSC marksheet. 

    The digital file means you can access the required information anytime. It is essential to fill up forms in any setting when you do not have your physical marksheet with you. Moreover, it allows you to print copies anytime for any administrative purpose.

    The physical copy is immensely significant for your admission procedures. During your college admission process as well as your university examination, you will be required to carry your SSC marksheet along with you. Be mindful to keep your SSC marksheet safe. 


    Boardwise Details to Check SSC Marksheet

    Here is a board-wise guide to check and collect your SSC Marksheet:


    Dhaka Board SSC Marksheet

    Students who gave their SSC from the Dhaka Board can get their results with full marksheet from the official website of the board, along with 


    To get the results through SMS, you have to send a message from any mobile operator to 16222.

    Format of the SMS Example
    SSC <space> DHA <space> ROLL <space> 2024 SSC DHA 123456 2024


    Cumilla Board SSC Marksheet

    Students who gave their SSC from the Comilla Board can get their results with full marksheet from Using your roll and registration number, you can download your marksheet.


    To get the results through SMS, you have to send a message from any mobile operator to 16222.

    Format of the SMS Example
    SSC<space>COM<space>ROLL<space>2024 SSC COM 123456 2024


    Chittagong Board SSC Marksheet

    Students who gave their SSC from the Chittagong Board can get their results with a full marksheet from  Using your roll and registration number, you can download your marksheet.


    To get the results through SMS, you must send a message from any mobile operator to 16222.

    Format of the SMS Example
    SSC<space>CHI<space>ROLL<space>2024 SSC CHI 123456 2024


    Barishal Board SSC Marksheet

    Students who gave their SSC from the Barishal Board can get their results with full marksheet from the official website of the board,  along with  Using your roll and registration number, you can download your marksheet.


    To get the results through SMS, you have to send a message from any mobile operator to 16222.

    Format of the SMS

    SSC<space>BAR<space>ROLL<space>2024 SSC BAR 123456 2024

    SSC Marksheet Image



    Dinajpur Board SSC Marksheet

    Students who gave their SSC from the Dinajpur Board can get their results with full marksheet from the official website of the board,  along with  Using your roll and registration number, you can download your marksheet.


    To get the results through SMS, you have to send a message from any mobile operator to 16222.

    Format of the SMS Example
    SSC<space>DIN<space>ROLL<space>2024 SSC DIN 123456 2024


    Jessore Board SSC Marksheet

    Students who gave their SSC from the Jessore Board can get their results with full marksheet from the official website of the board,  along with  Using your roll and registration number, you can download your marksheet.


    To get the results through SMS, you have to send a message from any mobile operator to 16222.

    Format of the SMS Example
    SSC<space>JES<space>ROLL<space>2024 SSC JES 123456 2024


    Rajshahi Board SSC Marksheet

    Students who gave their SSC from the Rajshahi Board can get their results with full marksheet from the official website of the board,  along with  Using your roll and registration number, you can download your marksheet.


    To get the results through SMS, you have to send a message from any mobile operator to 16222.

    Format of the SMS Example
    SSC<space>RAJ<space>ROLL<space>2024 SSC RAJ 123456 2024


    Sylhet Board SSC Marksheet

    Students who gave their SSC from the Sylhet Board can get their results with full marksheet from the official website of the board,  along with  Using your roll and registration number, you can download your marksheet.


    To get the results through SMS, you have to send a message from any mobile operator to 16222.

    Format of the SMS Example
    SSC<space>SYL<space>ROLL<space>2024 SSC SYL 123456 2024


    Dakhil Marksheet

    Students who gave their SSC from the Madrasah Education Board can get their results with full marksheet from the official websites of the board,  and  along with  Using your roll and registration number, you can download your marksheet.


    Complete English Grammar Course

    কোর্সটিতে যা যা পাচ্ছেন:

  • সঠিকভাবে ইংরেজি লিখতে প্রয়োজনীয় গ্রামারের সকল নিয়ম ও ব্যাখ্যা
  • একই গ্রামারের বিভিন্ন রকম বাস্তব উদাহরণ ও ব্যাখ্যা
  • English Grammar-এর সহজ থেকে জটিল বিষয়
  • ৪১টি ভিডিও, ৪১টি নোট, ২২ সেট কুইজ

    To get the results through SMS, you have to send a message from any mobile operator to 16222.

    Format of the SMS Example
    SSC<space>MAD<space>ROLL<space>2024 SSC MAD 123456 2024


    Technical Board SSC Marksheet

    Students who gave their SSC from the Bangladesh Technical Education Board can get their results with full marksheet from the official website of the board,  along with  Using your roll and registration number, you can download your marksheet.


    To get the results through SMS, you have to send a message from any mobile operator to 16222.

    Format of the SMS Example
    SSC<space>TEC<space>ROLL<space>2024 SSC TEC 123456 2024


    Overall, the process is straightforward. With a few clicks, you can get to the website to get your marksheet. Again, simply with your phone, you can get the marks. Thus, you’re ready for your college admission or any other administrative work. Hopefully, you can collect your SSC Marksheet easily now. Best of luck!


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