How to Start Freelancing in 2022 for beginners

February 7, 2024 ...

Did you know that 75% of freelancers say they wouldn’t trade their freelancing job for any other traditional work? how to start freelancing? What do you think is the reason behind the enormous popularity of freelancing? Is it the high-earning potential or the extreme flexibility and control over how you work? Well, there are many more benefits of freelancing than what meets the eye.

Honestly, no matter what kind of work you do, everything requires some sort of skillset. And, freelancing is no different. However, many people become lost and confused when they finally think of getting started with freelancing.

But, is freelancing that difficult? Not at all. If you have the right guidance and the willpower to work hard and gain skills, freelancing will become your new best friend. 

Even if you are a beginner, there’s no need to feel intimidated by freelancing. To help you get started with your freelancing journey, we have brought together these steps which will boost your preparation for freelancing.

1. Define what values you can offer

As we mentioned before when you start freelancing work doesn’t require you to be a master at anything. You can have absolutely no experience and still gain the desired skills and thrive in the freelance market. But to do that, you first have to decide which area of the freelancing jobs you want to target and gain skills for. 

For instance, there are many demandable jobs on the freelancing sites right now, which include, 

  1. Software development
  2. Web development
  3. Digital Marketing
  4. Copywriting
  5. Writing 
  6. Graphic Designing

And many more.

Now, you need to decide which of the countless fields genuinely interest you, are profitable in the market and have the required skills which are easily learnable. In short, you need to pick a niche first to even get started with anything regarding freelancing.

Ask yourself whether you’d be great at writing blogs, providing marketing consultancy, graphic designing, or web development. Once you’ve made up your mind about your targeted field, hop on to the next step.


ঘরে বসে Freelancing

কোর্সটি করে যা শিখবেন:

  • একজন সফল ফ্রিল্যান্সার হওয়ার শুরু থেকে শেষ পর্যন্ত বিস্তারিত গাইডলাইন।
  • আন্তজার্তিক ফ্রিল্যান্সিং মার্কেটপ্লেস (যেমন: Upwork, Fiverr) এ নিজের প্রোফাইল তৈরি এবং কাজ পাবার উপায়।

    2. Build Marketable skills in your niche to start freelancing 

    Let’s say you’ve decided to target the field of digital marketing and want to work in this area. Do you think taking on freelancing gigs without building valuable skills in your field will be of any help? We don’t think so. 

    So what you should do now is to gain the skills that the market is demanding. To get an insight into the in-demand skills, hop on to any freelancing marketplace like Fiverr or Upwork and search for the field you’re targeting. These websites will then show you hundreds of gigs posted by random people asking for services in that area. 

    After browsing for a while, maybe you’ll see that a majority of those gigs are looking for SEO-related services. Now, that means SEO is a highly in-demand skill in the marketplace, which is profitable and worth trying to get skilled at. 

    After you’ve found out the most sought skills in the freelance marketplace of your field, buckle up and get started with your training. Don’t be frightened. There are plenty of resources online to help you build skills on literally anything in the world, be it digital marketing or web development. All you need is perseverance and the strong willpower to gain the skills you need, no matter what.

    3. Join any Freelancing site to offer your services

    Now that you have defined your niche and developed the necessary skills, it’s finally time to get started with the business of freelancing. And to do that, you first need to join a freelance marketplace like Fiverr or Upwork where people outsource these services. 

    Create an account on any of the freelance websites and get started with marketing your skills. Now, if you just state in your profile that you’re good at writing, it won’t seem that convincing to a buyer, right? 


    Graphic Design করে Freelancing

    এই কোর্সটি আপনাকে কীভাবে সাহায্য করবে?

  • গ্রাফিক ডিজাইনের প্রয়োজনীয় টুল, থিউরি, প্রোজেক্ট ফাইল ও ক্যারিয়ার গাইডলাইন।
  • প্র্যাক্টিসের জন্য একটি ফ্রি ডিজাউন কন্টেন্ট লাইব্রেরি।
  • দেশি-বিদেশি চাকরি কিংবা ফ্রিল্যান্সিং করে টাকা আয় করতে পারবেন।
  • AI ব্যবহার করে আইডিয়া বের করে ডিজাইন করতে পারা।

    To convince your potential clients to buy your service, you need to package your skillset in a way that makes them feel like your service is the solution to their problem. 

    For example, suppose you’re a copywriter. How about you say, “I can help you write effective sales emails” Sounds better, right? 

    Now, let’s amp it up even more. What about, “I can help you write effective sales emails that convert 10x more customers”? Doesn’t that sound like a great solution for someone who wants more customers? Sure, it does.

    To market your skills effectively to gain clients, you have to be creative and informative about presenting your skillset. 

    Don’t try to overpromise in what you write about your offered services. That’s because, it always runs a risk of you under-delivering to your client, which frustrates them and overall results in your poor rating.

    4. Set your prices strategically

    When it comes to setting the prices for your services, you have to be strategic while keeping in mind the value you’ll be providing. Always remember that you should set your prices according to what value you can deliver, and not based on what your competitors are charging. If you see your competitors charging very low for what they offer, don’t feel compelled to set your prices even lower to stay ahead of them. Rather, focus on the values and solutions you can deliver and charge accordingly.

    set up your prices

    5. Amp up your communication game

    When you finally list your services and are ready to take on projects, it’s important to be able to effectively communicate with your prospective clients. Your way of communicating can make or break your deal with your potential client. 

    Always be prompt in replying to their queries, provide explanations of your work and communicate throughout the project’s timeline. This will help you to build a strong relationship with your clients, which will eventually make them leave a high rating on your profile. 

    Now that you know about all the essentials of getting started with freelancing, what are you waiting for? Build in-demand skills and kickstart your freelancing journey to have total autonomy over when, where, and how much you earn.

    আমাদের কোর্সগুলোতে ভর্তি হতে ক্লিক করুন:

    1. ঘরে বসে Freelancing
    2. Web Design
    3. Graphic Design করে Freelancing Course
    4. মোবাইল দিয়ে Graphic Designing
    5. Graphic Designing with PowerPoint
    6. Facebook Marketing

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